Photo Page

March 14, 2025   


Copyright Claire Grogan 2016

Copyright Claire Grogan 2016

Copyright Claire Grogan 2016

Copyright Claire Grogan 2016

Teddy Wister in 'The New Morality' by Harold Chapin

John Varis in ReVamp (dir. Bill Thomas)

Richard Prince in 'The Murder Club' by Steve Hennessy (with Marc Danbury as Coleman and Andrew Michell as True)

Koroviov the Clown in Cherub TC's 'The Master and Margarita': with Jennifer Cherry and Russell Kennedy
Bob Cratchitt in 'A Christmas Carol'
Arthur in 'The Man Who Dreamed'
by Ciaran McConville (with Elisa Boyd
as Eddie)

Valmont in 'Les Liaisons Dangereuses'
(with Julie Robinson as Merteuil))

Valmont in 'Les Liaisons Dangereuses'
(with Julia Coleman as Emilie)
Dr Rank in 'A Doll's House'
(with Fiona Aldridge as Nora)

Leutnant von Ffist-Vokker in 'Sparrow Heights'
(with Adam DeVille)

The Bishop in Jean Genet's 'The Balcony'

The Bishop in Jean Genet's 'The Balcony'
The Bishop in Jean Genet's 'The Balcony' (with Tamara Salamacha) Charles Sidley in 'The Public Eye'
Arthur in 'The Man Who Dreamed' (with Sally Van der Pump) Richard Prince in 'The Murder Club' by Steve Hennessy
John Varis in 'ReVamp' With Anthony de Baeck in 'Fallen Angels'